January 2nd Uranus Goes Direct – All Planets Direct Now
Uranus Aka Aion the Counterpart to Gaia-Sophia the Sky God Of Heaven. It Rules The Solar Plexus and Nervous System.
When our spirit’s incarnate, there are portions of us that become restricted by the confines of these density levels. As time goes on, we are able to conduct more electromagnetic energy and hopefully ground it into this realm. Certain aspects of ourselves that were once unconscious, become conscious. This is the realm of Uranus. The recognition of choice in creation of reality, and waking up from unconscious creations,where we go from the more limitless Neptunian realms of imagination the Crown Chakra, into the Spark of creation in our Ajna.-The hidden reason why the Ajna is shown with two petals.
If we look at the tilt of Uranus, one half is tilted towards the Sun (Soul) and the other into the darkness of space. Literally one foot on each side of the wormhole bringing the quantum into the tangible. This also represents the equality of all other co-creators in the process of reality creation. We are each here to express our unique gifts as co-creators, but are meant to do so in harmony with the collective. By looking at the sign, aka the process that this lens or aspect of self is going through, we can find out where we are being called to re-awaken.
In this case is Aries, at the 42nd gate and making a square to Pluto, and a newly waning Moon in Cancer. We are looking at a major aspect of our more expanded identity birthing into being in our lives. This will be a major revelation, and acceleration of bringing our unique being into our reality. With its position over the 42nd gene key suggests that in order for this new more expanded self to arrive, we will have to detach from what we think things should be like, and let our old identity die to something much greater. A trine to Mercury says we will need to restructure our ego in a way that surrenders to the pallets of situational paint the universe has given us at this time. There are many ways to paint a sunrise, but at some point we must choose. This may just be when we finally receive the insight of which sunrise will be the one that is perfect for this moment. Since the moon is waning to new, the insights that come this week will most likely need to be planted around January’s new moon in Uranus ruled Aquarius on the 17th. With Uranus finally moving forwards with all of the rest of the planets being direct as well, the revelations coming now will be called to propel all the other aspects of our life in a forward momentum the rest of this month.
Sun,Venus,Saturn, Pluto in Capricorn
With the most enlightened view of this phrase possible, this is literally selling (celling) our Souls. You may have the greatest invention ever, but it also must be delivered in the perfect way to both serve the greatest good, and to pay the bills. How can we artfully market our identity, our unique gifts and what we value to the whole? With so much energy in Capricorn, we are all looking at the exchange of energy between who we are and the collective. Can we thrive and simultaneously benefit humanity? How can we bring balance between giving from our heart and not being taken advantage of? We must trust in our dreams, and be practical as well.
Uranus Making a square to Pluto in Capricorn on the 54th Gene Key reveals these shifts are bringing a core aspect of our personal power online. Capricorn rules commerce, the exchange of goods and services along with our Status in the world. Many of us are stepping into new positions of power, but we must be careful to use this power for the benefit of all, in a way that simultaneously allows us to follow our bliss. Uranus square to the Moon in Cancer offers us the opportunity to let our heart lead rather than our mind, a death of the ego that moves our lens of focus onto what we are giving to the world, rather than projecting and reflecting our own pain. Suffering only remains when we cling too tightly to our identity, rather than letting our identity be fluid and move with life’s natural ebb and flow.This shift however will surely bring us outside of our comfort zones in some way.
Finally we have Jupiter and Mars conjunct in Scorpio on the 1st Gene Key. This is pure creative Promethean fire getting to the greatest depths of our core. Jupiter has opened all the doors for us, showing us how to bring the beautiful world we want into being, but Mars says, now is the time to take action, to make the tough choices of which doors we are going to walk through in order to make that world a reality.
It’s so important that we are able to hold (ground) all these high vibrational cosmic currents into our physical bodies. We can only transmit what our vehicles can handle. To celebrate Uranus going direct were going deep into the operation of the bodies functioning as an electromagnet. Keep on the look out for this upcoming article if you’re interested. #soulmapping #aion
This report is sponsored by our non-profit partner HUGS – Humans Unifying Global Solutions
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