Embracing your light – Soul Mechanics Podcast Episode No.2

“Embracing your light” – Soul Mechanics Podcast Episode No.2

Do you every wish there were some simple steps to assist on the path to working through those things that have been holding you back from standing in your courage and your light?


Show description from Sound Cloud: 

Discover the secrets of your soul that are coded in your DNA, and the inner arts to dive deep into the shadows to retrieve your unique inner genius. We share tools to fulfill your Soul’s purpose and live fully and authentically. We synthesize esoteric systems of the ancients with modern sciences. Sharing practical tools to thrive in prosperity doing what you love. We will explore the wisdom of plants, stars and much more. Learn the Languages of nature and the cosmos applied in practical ways for the journey of self and soul actualization. Our goal is to guide you back to your own radical self acceptance so that you can embrace your right as a sovereign co-creator.

In Episode One we will go over some of the foundations of the archetypal “Light Languages”  or Languages of the psyche and inner planes. These languages such as Astrology, Human Design, The I-Ching, Gene Keys and many others are the foundation codes and universal languages that tie together much of the other layers and Soul Mapping work.

Episode three will be up this week on Sound Cloud, Itunes, and Google Play, and if you want to tune in on Lucid Vibe you will catch us every Wednesday at EST 8:30pm as part of the Guides line up.

We will be having some amazing guests on the show in the future, so please stay tuned for that!

We would like to personally thank Lucid Vibe Radio for inviting and inspiring us to start this podcast so it could be featured on their network!

We have also decided as per request from many to also share this podcast on Itunes, Google Play, And Sound Cloud. Here are the links to subscribe!




Sound Cloud:


Lucid Vibe:


Google Play:


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By | 2018-08-17T12:53:54-04:00 August 17th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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