Astral Weather Report Wednesday, July 18th – Soul Mapping

Astral Weather Report Wednesday, July 18th – Soul Mapping

(It’s like daily evolutionary astrology forecasts Soul Mapping Style)


Re-define! Set clear boundaries, value your self, your work and that of others.
It’s so important right now not to get caught up in what we think things should look like, the universe is sending us exactly what we need.
These shifts right now are restructuring our lives, preparing us for more major mutations and upgrades on the way
Saturn Trine Uranus
The Ascension, redefining, and restructuring of our identities, boundaries, and foundation of our lives in a way that serves the higher good for our Soul’s path and the evolving collective organism and mutations.
Saturn Quincunx Neptune
Setting clear boundaries with others that support new belief structures. Increased intuitive faculties in relation to what is good for us when setting clear boundaries.
Not recognizing when it is good to set clear boundaries and letting others overstep them.
Saturn (58.1) Neptune (63.6)
Being unhappy with the way things are in our lives. Looking back into the past and wishing things were more like they used to be.
Connecting with our vital life force and inner authority to re-create the structures of our lives. Being able to see through past patterns that no longer serve us, but bringing things from the past that brought us joy into our current endeavors.
Sun Semisquare Venus
Setting clear boundaries with others in our relationships. Deep blocks around our self-worth that manifest in external situations that give us the opportunity to break through old patterns.
Sun (62.6) Venus (40.4)
Changing how we speak to ourselves internally, seeing how words define our identity and the world we live in. Surrendering to the universal will and connecting with the hearts message to speak our highest selves into being. Honoring our self-worth in our connections and relationships.
Being overly objective to the fault of not connecting with others. Not valuing the energy and work of ourselves or others.

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By | 2018-07-18T05:41:58-04:00 July 18th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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