Astral Weather Report Saturday, July 21st – Soul Mapping

Astral Weather Report Saturday, July 21st

(It’s like daily evolutionary astrology horoscope Soul Mapping Style)


Stepping into the deepest reaches of personal emotional power and how we exchange our energy with others on the mission to fulfill our Soul’s Purpose.

Moon (Scorpio) Sextile Pluto (Capricorn)

Drawing on our emotions to step into our power when exchanging money and energy with others.

Codes: Moon (43rd) Sextile Pluto (54th)

Following our inner voice and path when choosing how we share our resources and energy. Being able to hold greater levels of kundalini to be able to align with a more expanded auric field.


Not listening to our inner voice, ignoring the signs and energy at the expense of our unique creative path. Being greedy and driven by selfish pursuits.


Venus Sextile Jupiter

Serendipity, luck and or synchronicity with finances or romance.


Venus (40th) Sextile Sextile Jupiter (1.1)

Synronistic connection to the correct fractal lines of DNA when we connect to our self worth and value, surrender to the Universal order and follow where our creative desires guide us.


Not valuing others creative energy or collapsing and being drained due to feeling the need to prove your self or expend creative energy in places where it is not appreciated.

By | 2018-07-21T07:12:50-04:00 July 21st, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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